Einstein's Error, At the Frontiers of the Brain and the Cosmos
Odile Jacob
Date de publication

Einstein's Error

At the Frontiers of the Brain and the Cosmos

Odile Jacob

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782415001957
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At the crossroads of physics and neuroscience, this unique book offers a new
approach to brain function based on Einstein's work on relativity and the
cosmological constant. "The book goes back and forth between what we know
about these two universes, the cosmos and our brain, their energy and their
matter, be it black, grey or white. It alternates between the fundamental
questions of contemporary physics and cosmology, and our knowledge of the
functioning of the brain based in particular on the revelations of
neuroimaging." D. L. B. The revolutionary hypothesis of a relativistic brain
space-time sheds new light on our perception of the world, on our
consciousness, on our social interactions and on mental illness. A masterful,
daring book that invites us to a journey in thought, from the confines of the
universe to the depths of the brain. Author of the best-selling book Le
Cerveau de cristal (2012), Denis Le Bihan, a physician and a physicist, is a
member of the French Academy of Sciences and of the National Academy of
Medicine. He founded and directed NeuroSpin, and has received numerous
prestigious international awards for his work in neuroimaging. On the cover:
the letter represents the cosmological constant, Einstein's error, while the
two brains, with their clocks, can be seen as two mental states of the same
person or as two people interacting, within the framework of a relativistic
brain space-time.
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